There are 8 limbs of Yoga. This is based on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The practice of Yoga has been a holistic practice, which meant physical, mental, and spiritual perfection. It means to control not just the body, but also the vital energies, senses, and the mind.

Yoga when literally translated means – “to join”, “to unite”. It is derived from the word Yuja, which means union or to join. It is often mistaken as the union of the mind and the body.

Patanjali can be referred to as the founder of Yoga since he compiled all the information around the ancient time in to a text, which is popularly called as the Yoga Sutras.

Yama (Abstentions, moral restraints such as truthfulness, non-violence, etc.) – This deals with how you deal with others. If your goal is to remove consciousness with identification with body, you have to stop pandering to the grosser urges of the body including violence, sexual exploitation, deceit, theft etc.


Niyama (Cleanliness, contentment, austerity, devotion to god) – This deals with cultivating your lifestyle. Once the more destructive urges are curtailed (Yama), consciousness can be turned inward towards refinement.


Asana (Stretches, postures) – This is in preparing the body to sit for prolonged period of meditation.


Pranayama (Breath control) – In this stage you are focusing on stilling the mind. You do it through fixing the mind through breath control. By regulating the breath, the mind too (focused on it), becomes regulated/quiscent.


Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses) – The process deepens and there’s a withdrawal of senses including sound, sight, taste, smell, & touch.


Dharana (Concentration)


Dhyana (Meditation)


Samadhi (Full meditative absorption)


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